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2024 Class Descriptions

(All Times in EST Time Zone, New York)
Anchor 1

(8-9 AM): Christina Escamilla. Venus, Love, Shamanism, and Life Force

After contemplation and meditation on what I can offer to the field of Jyotish, I have been guided to share some of my insights into Venus!
1. Lord Shurkracharya: his origin story, sanjeevani and healing, the hanged man story in tarot and of Odin
2. Venus and the connection to the (rarely spoken of) fields of tantra, shamanism and Santan Dharma and how they all manifest uniquely in our birth charts and in culture.
3. Venus is often depicted as a planet that is associated with Love but is also a karaka of Shukra and life-force (ojas)
5. How to look at Venus in a chart, insights into Venus dasha and Venus retrograde!
4. Simple remedies that students of jyotish and non-practitioners alike can find useful in their lives.
6. Sample charts of Venus that illustrate the different energies that Venus represents

(9:30-12:00 PM): Sarbani Rath. The Timing of Diksha
Dikṣā is a spiritual initiation which marks a new beginning in a person’s spiritual life, as directed by a guru or an enlightened master. It plays the significant role of launching the individual onto his spiritual journey which may or may not terminate in this life. An analysis of the muhūrta of dikṣā gives indications regarding the direction of spiritual progress of the native during his lifetime.  We will analyze the rāśi and viṁśāṁśa vargas of the natal horoscope and examine minutely the gochara of Jupiter, Ketu and Saturn alongside daśā, to analyze these precious muhūrtas.
(12:30-1:30) PM: Ronnie Dreyer. Women’s astrology: Do the Classical texts still work in our modern world?
In all classic jyotiṣa texts there is at least one chapter on strījātaka (women’s astrology) and in one classic text, Vṛddhayavanajātaka, there are even five chapters. Using my own translations, I will show how some of those tenets work today, especially when it comes to the charts of powerful women. Focus will be on triṃśāṃśa and rājayogas for women. 
(2:00-4:30) PM: Freedom Cole. Tara-Mandala: the Nakshatra Constellations and Stars of the Vedic Sky
Can you find the Nakshatra stars in the night sky? What is the difference between a Yogatara and a Nakshatra Mandala. Freedom has researched all available ancient texts and star maps to put together an authentic view of the Vedic Sky. In this lecture, he shares his research and the mapping of the Lunar Mansions into one of the most accurate Zodiac images of our time. You will learn about the different textual traditions, various research over the centuries, and ancient maps that clarify the writings of the ancient Sages, to then be able to find the Nakshatras in the night sky.

(5-6:30 PM) : Opening Ceremony. Faculty Introductions. Navagraha Puja. Keynote Interview by Dr. Dennis Harness and Ksanati. Parashara Award to Sanjay Rath.

The Opening Ceremony will consist of faculty introductions, a Navagraha Puja led by Pundit Samavedula, a Keynote Interview between Dr. Dennis Harness and Ksanati, and the Annual Maharishis Parashara Award Ceremony for Lifetime Recognition in Jyotish Given to Sanjay Rath.
(7-9:30 PM) : Sat Siri Khalsa. 
Incorporating the Progressed Chart into a Life Reading: How the Soul challenges evolve through time

The Atma Karaka is the karmic axle of the chart.  We will study how to see the changing work for the Atma planet by using the horoscope progressed one degree per year of life.  And we will combine that with the basic dasa of the houses for the original natal chart.  Bhava Dasa is highly recommended by Parashara Muni for knowing when events will unfold and manifest in their full implications.  When we get that bird’s-eye view of the horoscope and combine it with the ratcheting forward of the Sun year by year we find amazing insights. Besides using Bhava Dasa, we will learn how to properly advance the Lagna in the progressed chart.

Let’s look at some examples of this and discuss in depth.

(10-11 PM): Joey Bujold. Unlock Secrets of Powerful Muhūrta Techniques for Every Living

Muhūrta is one of the Ṣaḍaṅgas (six limbs) of Vedic Astrology, which deals with electing the most auspicious astrological moment to begin any new undertaking, such as: taking a new journey, hosting an important meeting, or launching a new product, etc. In this one-hour workshop, we will learn some simple, fundamental, and effective tools taught in some of the classical Astrological texts, specifically using the Pañcāṅga (the Indian Calendar) to help an astrologer of any skill level in identifying good timings for launching future mundane events. Join us for an enlightening session that transcends the ordinary, empowering astrologers to navigate the future with confidence and precision.  





(8:30-9:30 AM): Bhavani Dasi. Romantic partnerships and Business/co-worker relationship

My one hour class presentation for the 2024 Vedic astrology conference will be on romantic partnerships and business/co-worker relationships. In romantic partnerships, I will focus on the moon placement in signs, nakshatras, gunnas and houses. The distance from the moons to each other and how it can affect intimate partners. Then a look at a mans venus placement in signs, nakshatras and houses. as well a discussion on the womans mars vs. jupiter placements what that entails. The main focus of this is looking at houses 1,5,7,8. Giving a couple of case study examples of positive vs negative placements. The second topic is business and co-worker relationships. Then I will discuss the aspects between the 1,10,7,and 2 houses.  Looking at Saturn and venus lil discussion on mercury as well when they are deposited into eachothers chart. Do they have the ability to make money together?   Focus on the positive and negative placements of signs, houses and aspects. Also giving a few case studies.  

(10:00-11:30 AM): Elise Villiers. Career and the search for meaning

Join me for a deep dive into one of the most common inquiries encountered during Jyotish readings: the exploration of career and life purpose. Clients often seek answers to questions like, "What does my career path look like? What work should I be pursuing? I want to do what i love… by the way, what is that?”


During this session, we will delve into a powerful method for analyzing one's career potential through the significance of the Lagna (ascendant) and its Lord, the influence of career planets, and the insights provided by the D10 chart (Dasamsa chart). Additionally, we will discuss the timing of career-related events through the examination of dasas (planetary periods) and transits.


Throughout the workshop, we will reflect on our role as Jyotishis in guiding clients towards a deeper understanding of their vocational path while encouraging their continuous inquiries into their life purpose and spiritual development. 


I'm excited to have Sam Geppi, our special guest, sharing his expertise on this highly sought-after topic in Jyotish consultations. Join us as we explore practical techniques to help you find a fulfilling career and purpose.


I am thrilled to be joined by special guest Sam Geppi, who will contribute his expertise while we explore practical techniques for one of the most sought-after topics in Jyotish consultations, the career and life purpose.

(12:30-1:30) PM: Charlotte Benson. Poetical Jyotish from The Vedas and The Upavedas

Can we consider our experiences as human beings, as poems written by God, using the grahas for a pen?  Sourced through the ancient shastras we will explore various shlokas, mantras and prayers from the Artha Veda, Uttar Kalamitra, the Rig Veda, and other sacred texts, which incorporate the grahas in their heavenly invocations. 

(2:00-4:30) PM: Alan Annand. Predicting with Vimshottari dashas & bhuktis

The cornerstone of prediction in jyotisha lies in dasha/bhukti vichara, the dynamic analysis of the major and minor periods in the Vimshottari dasha cycle. In this lecture, Alan will demonstrate two methods of analysis that, when jointly applied to an accurate horoscope, will significantly improve one’s predictive abilities.

Method #1 involves a Nadi principle popularized by Krishnamurti Paddhati, wherein a given period lord is biased to deliver results on behalf of its nakshatra dispositor. Alan will demonstrate how to identify prospective periods for relationships, education, creative activities, health challenges, career success, income flow, travel and immigration, etc, or conversely, their negation.

Method #2 involves a judicious use of select amshas, eg, D9, D10, D7, D11, etc, to identify major/minor periods that corroborate the prognosis for positive/negative periods tentatively identified in method #1. When these two methods align to confirm congruent periods in the life, predictions become more all the more reliable.

(5-6:30 PM): Radha Home. The Hidden Blessings of the Dusthana Houses

The Dushtana Bhava are the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, and they are often feared due to the disruptive issues they can create in our lives. In this class we will explore why they are difficult and how they can also help bring us closer to Santana Dharma. Radha will illuminate these three most challenging houses and the arc of experience they can bring us through. We will look at the unique experience each Lagna has with the Dushtana Bhava through how the four elements, connected to the 12 rasis (signs), bring a different energy to the manner in which we navigate these areas of our life. Finally, she will illustrate Vipareet Raja yogas through case studies and how these dushtana yogas can help alleviate the challenges presented, each combination in their own unique way. 

(7-9:30 PM) : Tulsi Bagnoli. Purusarthas & Samudra Manthan: Creation and the Aims of Life in LIght of Vedic Science and Jyotisa

Within consciousness, the ancient seers bore witness to profound stories encapsulating the rich tapestry of Vedic Science and Jyotiṣa Śāstra. These narratives extend an invitation for a profound examination, surpassing the boundaries of textbooks, utilizing storytelling to elucidate complex philosophical and spiritual concepts into living, breathing experiences.


Together, we will embark on a journey to awaken our own creative intelligence, seeking to understand and embody the deeper meaning held within the vedic and yoga śāstras and their aim to reveal the purpose of life.


Through the lens of the grahas, nakshatras, and navāṃśa we can unveil a deeper understanding of the Puruṣārthas: Dhárma, Artha, Kāma and Moksha and their unique pulse within all of us.


My aim is for us to connect with our innate desire for freedom, honoring the wisdom of Jyotiṣa Śāstra as a liberating force. By shedding light on the idea of being bound by this dream, we can better plot our attempt to awaken and not go back to sleep.

(10-11 PM): Dr. Dennis Harness. Vedic Astrology and Transpersonal Counseling

Come and explore the psychological aspects of Vedic Astrology for the modern astrologer. Special emphasis will be placed on the analysis of the Moon, Mercury and the nakshatras. Difficult clients styles and the 'Astrologer's Shadow' will also be examined. A discussion of the interface between fate, destiny and free-will is another facet of this presentation. Ethical issues of prediction and forecasting will also be explored. 




(8:00-10:30 AM): Sanjay Rath. Courageous Mars

A eulogy to Mars, who represents brave Kartikeya, the tejas of Shiva. He grants perfect celibacy for the virtuous, without which sannyasa is impossible. He rules the nervous system which is the foundation of all intelligence. He is the red in the blood. What else does Mars rule and how does this work in us. Learn the cycles of Mars. How does Mars signify feminine principle as well [Bhumi-suta Bhauma]

(11:00-12:30 PM): Nandita, Tarun, and Ekaterina. Trimurti Relationship with Grahas and Nakshatra Karmaphalam

This is an introduction to techniques which are not commonly practiced. Even though this is only an introduction, it is new material for many, even advanced astrologers.


Rishi Parashara states that there are Rashi dashas and Nakshatra dashas. The most commonly used dasha is Vimshottari which is a Nakshatra dasha. One of the first steps to understanding the karmaphala of  Vimshottari dasha is to have full clarity on the basic karakas of the Nakshatras and Grahas which has less to do with personality and more to do with activity. The Nakshatras are assigned Grahas not as rulers, but as provocateurs and distributors of the fruits of those Nakshatras. 


In Vimshottari dasha system, each Graha is responsible for the karma phala (karmic fruit) of 3 nakshatras each. These are furthermore divided into 3 groups of activity based on Trimurti activity: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. As each Nakshatra has 4 padas, this forms 12 portions of the Navamsa and they are divided into Trimurti activity. They are also attributed a tattva (elemental function.)


In our presentation, we will discuss the building blocks required to lay a firm understanding of how to read the release of the fruits of karma from a Nakshatra perspective.


This simple—but rarely used—technique is based on years of hands-on research done by Eve Mendoza which she recently shared for the first time with her students. Eve has encouraged objective observation over mere memorization of rules or parroting any book, so please attend with an open mind.

(12:30-1:30) PM: Anandashree - Mercury Afflictions and special gifts: the blessings of lord Budha

Lording over speech, intelligence, exchange and communication, the planet Mercury (Budha) is sometimes overlooked or relegated into a light-weight or neutral planet of lesser influence.


By drawing on mythological archetypes and classical techniques in jyotish, I will demonstrate that Mercury, the giver of medha shakti, is far more. Through a series of case studies, we will dive into the sometimes shocking and stunningly transformative power of Mercury, Lord Budha in example charts.


In this class, we will touch upon some yogas, important alignments and its fluctuating synodic cycles (including Mercury Retrograde) to give a richer understanding of the potential of Mercury in a chart. Take a look at how this mover-and-shaker of realms can trigger catastrophic breakdowns, but also deliver surprising and special gifts.

(2:00-4:30) PM: Komilla Sutton - The Planetary Challenges of The Complex 2025

There are many challenges to 2025, a rare conjunction of Saturn Rahu in Pisces after nine years. Rahu retrogrades back to Aquarius with its new set of eclipses, Venus retrograde and quadruple conjunction of Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu. 

Saturn Rahu conjunctions are always challenging, but in 2025, Venus and Mercury are also joining, making it a quadruple conjunction, which is even rarer – it can bring immense crisis for the world. Komilla will be discussing how it impacts the personal chart. What are the key aspects – Sade Sati, Saturn Rahu, Venus Mercury in the 8th house from Lagna, Moon and Sun, or conjunct natal planets? 

 Saturn's entry in Pisces is dramatic with the multiple conjunctions. Saturn will bring Sade Sati to Aries and a myriad of other issues to other signs. Rahu Ketu move back to Aquarius Leo along with the eclipses.

Is Jupiter able to give some relief from these intensive transits- lots to explore

(5-6:30 PM) : Raman Suprajarama - Astrology of Beginners

This beginner-friendly course takes you through the fascinating world of Vedic Astrology. Learn about the zodiac signs, planets, and houses, and discover how they influence your personality, relationships, career, and finances. Master the basics of horoscope interpretation and gain practical techniques to plan your future with clarity and confidence. No prior knowledge of Astrology is needed!

(8:30-10 PM): Dr. Andrew Foss. Vimshottari Dasha Variants

The Vimshottari Dasha is considered the cream or leader of the Dashas described by sage Parashara. It is so effective that even Western astrologers have taken to using it. However, the Vimshottari Dasha people are mostly familiar with it is only a part of a whole powerful system. We will look at some of the key components of this system.





((8:00-9:00 AM): Sarajit Poddar. The Use of Ashtakavarga and Gochar for Timing Events

This presentation explores the powerful tools of Ashtakavarga and Gochar within Jyotish for accurately timing significant events. Ashtakavarga, an advanced system of point allocation, provides a detailed assessment of planetary strengths and their impacts across the zodiac. When integrated with Gochar, the analysis of planetary transits, Jyotishis can achieve higher precision in forecasting and interpreting critical life moments.

The session will cover the theoretical foundations of Ashtakavarga and Gochar, practical applications, and illustrative case studies. Attendees will gain insights into the methodologies for leveraging these systems to enhance their predictive accuracy and deepen their understanding of celestial influences on worldly affairs.

(9:30-12:00 PM): Vanita Lenka. How to interpret your Dasha (Timing of Events)

Exploring Dasha periods (THE TIMELINES) in astrology allows insight into life events based on planetary influence. Learn to interpret the highs and lows, triggering success, career, money, marriage, love, children, family, health, and spiritual growth during specific Dasha phases. Understanding these timelines aids in proactive remedial actions for a more fulfilled life. Example charts and on-the-spot readings from the participants will enhance practical application of Dasha interpretation in real-time scenarios.’

(12:30-1:30) PM: Jane Anne Thomas. Bonding with Rāhú through Graha Vahana, Nimitta, & Nakshatra Yoni

Rāhú’s famously enigmatic nature both invites & denies contradiction. The scale, scope & appetite of his teachings are as grandiose as they are subtle making him one of the most elusive of Masters.  Bonding with the animals that Rāhú employs from Avatar, to Graha Vāhana, to Nakshatra Yonī creates a uniquely illumining signature. This mapping of the hidden invitation he holds through the animal world reveals a rare & surprising glimpse into his deeper nature & the mysteries he holds. 

(2:00-4:30) PM: Sam Geppi.  Jaimini Vedic Astrology Overview

Jaimini Vedic Astrology Overview  

In addition to Parashara, Jaimini was the other great Rishi of Vedic astrology. In this Class we will go into the principles of Jaimini astrology, and how to apply them in chart analysis. First, you will learn a few of the most important calculations: Bhava Padas, Karakamsa, Chara Dasa, Chara Karakas, Rasi Aspects and more. Then you will learn how to organize these structures into simple, yet extremely powerful methods so you can make accurate predictions, using these novel, yet sensible methods.

This class will give you a great overview of Jaimini methods and how to approach them in chart analysis.  

There will be many case studies, so you see the methods and techniques working before your very eyes. 

(5-6:30 PM) : Barry Rosen. Blind Spots in Vedic Astrology from Rahu and by Malefic Impacting Key Houses

It is our hidden patterns and blind spots which get us into the most trouble and cause us the most suffering. How many times do we have to repeat patterns in our lives and relive our pain?  Do  we realize our flaws and actively work on them and transform ourselves into a more conscious and active and loving and compassionate person? The deepest purpose of Vedic Astrology should allow us to see the Maya or illusion that runs through our mind and blocks us from seeing our own Divinity. . The great spiritual teacher Yogananda was fond of saying that most of what we call the spiritual battle is really a psychological battle and once that battle is won, the spiritual battle is a short one. 


In this talk, based on Barry's Best-Selling Book, he will discuss multiple ways in which blind spots plague our minds with illusion including looking at problems with planets in the 7th and 12th houses, the phony masks that Rahu creates in the houses, the distortions of Mars on  ego by sign and  malefic planets impacting the 4th and 5th houses.  

(7-8 PM) : Togi Aditya. Understanding Synastry Through Charts in Astrology

Life is a series of experiences and interaction of an individual with others is inevitable. Each individual is born with a personal birth chart, which is a map of the heavens for the moment they took their first breath.An individual’s positive or negative interaction with others can be analyzed by studying placement of planetary positions in their respective charts. In this lecture, I will be discussing along with a few examples on some key planetary positions of grahas (planets) to understand how individuals may interact with others based on their horoscope charts.

(10-12:30 AM): Kanholy Santhip Krishnan.  Jyotisha Using Vishnu Sahasranama

Vishnu Sahasranama recitation is considered to be one of the most effective remedies prescribed by Maharishi Parashara in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. The entire Sahasranama can easily be mapped to 108 Nakshatra padas & correspondingly specific shlokas have been used to as a remedy for various grahas placed in those nakshatra padas with the grace of Vishnu. In this talk we will explore the shlokas to see if it can be further used to make predictions in natal charts. In essence, the possibility of simply chanting Vishnu Sahasranama would also help you make predictions as an astrologer would be explored. Jyotisha would be explored as science of light given by god Vishnu.




(8:30-9:30 AM): Branka Larsen. Lagna and Relationships

Exploring the impact of Lagna on personal relationships, marriage, and compatibility between individuals based on their Ascendant signs and their lords.

(10:00-11:30 AM): Visti Larsen - Moon and Major periods (Dāśā)

A presentation on the impact of Moon on the major planetary periods (Daśā). In this we explore:
How to predict if the major period is a positive or negative experience from the birth Moon.
How to predict which areas of life are positive or negative during the major period.

(12:30-1:30) PM: Simon Chokoisky. Special Nakshatra Techniques

A novel method of nakshatra interpretation that will tickle our learning centers and tease us out of thought, into imaginative interpretation. Beginner techniques learned in ten minutes can stimulate advanced insights and a lifetime of inquiry. Join us for a fun and interactive foray into the nakshatras and how they play out in your life. 

(2:00-4:30) PM: Dr. Malini Iyer. Understanding Yogas Beyond their Predictive Applications 

Yogas are unique to Vedic Astrology in determining the disposition of karmas. Yogas are formed when specific relationships between planets, houses, and zodiac signs are formed in a chart. These planetary relationships are important as they dictate the magnitude & strength with which karmas manifest. Hence, they become important predictive tools in Jyotish.


It is one thing to be able to identify important yogas in a chart, and another to be able actually interpret how the yoga manifests - not just externally but also within the psyche of an individual. 


In this class, you will learn tools to identify several yogas as well as learn the art to interpret them. The tools you learn in this class can then be applied to other yogas that are not covered during the lecture.

(5-6:30 PM) : Dr. Arjun Pai. Cosmic Synchronicity: Panchang and its Application in Jyotisha

Panchang, a Sanskrit term meaning "five limbs," encompasses five fundamental components: Tithi (lunar day), Vara (day of the week), Nakshatra (lunar mansion), Yoga (auspicious combination), and Karana (half of a lunar day). Within the realms of vedic astrology, spirituality, holistic well-being, and metaphysical pursuits, the Panchang and Tattwas (elements) hold substantial significance. These elements serve as foundational pillars in various ancient systems of knowledge and wisdom.

Embark on a journey where celestial patterns and human destinies intertwine. In this discussion we'll unravel life's cosmic blueprint, fostering a deeper appreciation for timeless concepts and their transformative power. Join us in this immersive experience to unveil age-old mysteries at the heart of our universe. This session delves profoundly into Panchang and Tattwas, shedding light on their significance, practical applications, and contemporary relevance.

(7-9:30 PM) : Narasimha “PVR” Rao. Vimsottari Dasa Based Progressed Chart & Transits

This class will cover a unique method that considers Vimsottari dasa as a progression, finds a progressed chart, takes divisional charts of the progressed chart and correlates planetary longitudes in divisional charts with transit longitudes of planets to identify key events.

(10-11:30 PM): Abhishek Kumar. Quantum Superposition and Potential Realities in Astrological Predictions

In this exploration, we examine the intersection between Quantum Physics and Astrological Predictions, focusing on the concepts of probability, uncertainty, and cosmic forecasting. Central to Quantum Physics is Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which posits that certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, cannot be simultaneously determined with precision. This principle underscores the inherent uncertainty and probabilistic nature of quantum phenomena, offering a framework to understand the limitations and potentialities within the subatomic realm. Drawing parallels to astrology, we observe that the process of making astrological predictions similarly involves interpreting celestial configurations with an understanding that outcomes remain inherently uncertain and influenced by numerous factors.

This exploration reveals a nuanced interplay between determinism and indeterminism within both disciplines. Astrology provides a framework to understand cosmic influences on human experiences while acknowledging the role of individual agency and free will in shaping one's destiny. Similarly, Quantum Mechanics, while presenting seemingly random and unpredictable particle behavior, still observes deterministic patterns in the behavior of systems. By examining the role of probability and uncertainty in astrological predictions through the lens of Quantum Physics, we uncover a deeper understanding of how these fields, despite their differences, can offer mutual insights into the complexities and potential realities of the universe.


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